Tuesday, April 14, 2020
GLUEP BALL EXPERIMENT Essays - Matter, Manufacturing,
GLUEP BALL EXPERIMENT Darina Vrublevskaya Observations TRIAL ONE TRIAL TWO BALL REST Does not maintain its shape Maintains its shape BALL BOUNCE Does not bounce and sticks onto the desk Does bounce, about 15 cm up THIN STRIP The strip pulls off and falls The strip holds together PULL ENDS SLOWLY Falls apart Gluep stretches far PULL ENDS QUICKLY Falls apart Snaps into two Questions In glue t he tangled molecules make glue thick and viscous rather than thin and runny. When glue is exposed to air, the water evaporates, leaving the tangled polymer molecules. The tangled molecules stick to the surfaces on which they dried, and hold the surfaces together. Borax has ions can form links between the long, thin polymer molecules in the glue which makes Gluep more like a solid than the plain liquid glue. It allows holding its shape for a short time, and as long as it is not strained. When Gluep rests, the flexible network gradually relaxes, and the Gluep flattens. When Gluep is stretched quickly, the links between molecules break, and the Gluep snaps apart into pieces. Gluep contains a lot of water that contributes to the liquid-like properties to Gluep . If the Gluep is left exposed to open air, the water will evaporate, and the Gluep will gradually stiffen. Altering the materials affected the consistency of the Gluep ball because each substance that was added into the mixture had different types of ions which made the texture different, and the Gluep ball act differently too. This is all linked to stoichiometry because it is the relationship between the relative quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound, typically a ratio of whole integers . In this experiment, we compared substances and have observed different types of reactions to them. Works Cited FLINN Scientific Canada. (2013). Glue Slime. Retrieved from https://www.flinnsci.ca/glue-slime/dc91643/ SciFun . (2014). Gluep - Solid or Liquid? Retrieved from http://scifun.che m. wisc.edu/HomeExpts/gluep.htm
Long Term Career Goals For Students in the School of History
Long Term Career Goals For Students in the School of HistoryMany students have the opposite problem, and they don't have a good idea about writing a sample essay for a PhD in History. Some of these students are really not sure what they should write about. This is understandable, because many of them assume that the goal is to achieve a PhD in History or some other university curriculum.In fact, it is so much more than that. The Ph.D. in History requires a completely different type of essay. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the many requirements that make up a sample for this specific objective.A Ph.D. student should have strong teaching qualities. In fact, there is a very specific theme that is required. This can be found on the Department of History website, as it is entitled 'PhD Essay Format and Theme.'The thesis statement is a five-sentence statement that summarizes the main focus of the thesis paper. It has the same basic format as the professor's outline. The authors should start by writing one paragraph. That is followed by four paragraphs that discuss a particular theme.The last paragraph has to be the conclusion and discuss a research or event from the thesis. The author should also include sources where he/she has consulted for information. After writing all of the paragraphs, there is a list of questions that is called an appendix.An organization will want a few sentences that describe their specific topic and structure. The academic year for this specific topic is included in the sample.For the doctoral candidate who is not yet a tenure-trackfaculty member at a major university, it is absolutely imperative to write a good presentation. The presentation should be well organized and clearly written. It should address what it is that students should learn, the standard and is there something else that they should consider as well.As a student who has started thinking about graduate school, it is very important to recognize that there are many short term career goals for students to pursue. However, this does not mean that the longer term goal is unimportant. In fact, students should always look for options that offer options that are a bit outside of their current realm of specialization.
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