Friday, August 28, 2020
Life Saver :: Interview Essays
Lifeline The telephone begins ringing when Rita Murray enters the workplace of the Birthright House in Richmond, Indiana. A high school young lady requests data about a free pregnancy test. While Rita is planning an arrangement for the young lady, another mother comes in requiring diapers and equation for her infant. Rita begins for the diapers, however another mother strolls in the entryway bringing a sack brimming with infant garments and a high quality blanket to give. Similarly as the workplace settles, two young ladies, Christy and Heather, stroll in without an arrangement needing pregnancy tests. After the tests are given, the young ladies hang tight for the outcomes and watch a video of fetal turn of events. Rita comes back with the outcomes and a few handouts about high school pregnancy, dating, restraint, and the impacts of premature birth. Christy's test is sure and Heather's is negative. Christy begins to cry, I can't have a child, I'm excessively youthful. She asks Rita, How might I tell my beau . . . my folks? What do I do now? She has numerous inquiries concerning the clinical parts of her pregnancy, and is uncertain about what will happen now to her and to her infant. Rita gets some information about her family and sexual coexistence, goes over the different handouts with her, and discusses choices she will currently need to make. She sits discreetly with Christy and discusses the choices that must be made. Christy strolled into Birthright a young lady with barely any concerns, yet as she leaves, she appears to be significantly more troubled with the numerous decisions she currently needs to make. Claim is a Pro-Life worldwide development with workplaces all through North America and Africa. In 1968, Louise Summerhill, a homemaker and a mother of seven, established Birthright in Toronto, Canada, beginning the administration with $300 and guarantees of help from 60 ladies, 20 specialists, and different experts. Richmond's Birthright branch comprises of 30 volunteers, as Rita, with help from six neighborhood specialists. On the off chance that further help is required, Birthright may allude a customer to extra network administrations, including moderate clinical administrations, legitimate administrations, lodging, maternity homes for unwed moms, appropriation data, instructive direction, and work help. In the event that the customer is in genuine monetary need, Birthright will offer its help.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Study Of Error Analysis | Essay
The Study Of Error Analysis | Essay S.P. Corder is the parent of the logical technique that centers around the mistakes students make. He is considered as one of the fundamental examples of Error Analysis and that really turned into a perceived piece of applied semantics. In Corders article (1967), entitled The importance of students blunders, the writer explores mistake examination from a totally alternate point of view. While, before Corder, mistakes used to be viewed as imperfections that should have been dispensed with without focusing on their job in second language securing, with Corder we start to perceive how blunders are vital for the students themselves. Truth be told, as indicated by Corder, blunders could be viewed as a gadget the student utilizes so as to become familiar with the language. He states, we decipher his wrong articulations as being proof that he is getting language (p. 165). Lightbown and Spada (2006) concur with Corders guarantee that blunder examination sights to find and portray various typ es of mistakes with the aim of seeing how understudies achieve a subsequent language. Corders contention that students blunders are signs of real learning is upheld by another scientist of mistake investigation, James M. Hendrickson (1978), who brings up, not exclusively do all language students essentially produce mistakes when they convey, however efficient examination of blunders can give helpful experiences into the procedures of language procurement (p. 388). In this way, the two of them commend the way that blunders are critical and fundamental in the investigation of Second Language Acquisition. Corder shows that in addition to the fact that errors play a critical job to the person who can gain from these blunders, yet in addition to the instructors as they can follow every understudy progress, and even to the specialists as they exhibit how a language obtained and what systems the students use. Identified with this, is the idea of what number of mistakes are because of the way that the student utilizes structures, which get from the local language. In Corders see, the ownership of ones local language is facilitative, as mistakes for this situation speak to proof of ones learning procedures. Dulay and Burt (1974) in their examination keep up a similar thought. At the end of the day, they embrace that the childs blunders are not pointers of broken learning nor a requirement for instructional intercession (p. 135). To put it briefly, they stress that making blunders is crucial in the learning procedure, and students need to know the sort of mistakes they articulate. Subsequently, before proceeding onward the following thought that Corders article looks into, it is fundamental to report the differentiation that the writer makes among methodical and non-deliberate mistakes. Unsystematic blunders happen in ones local language; Corder calls these mix-ups and affirms that they are not noteworthy to the procedure of language learning. Then again, he characterizes blunders the deliberate ones that are probably going to happen over and over and that are not perceived by the students. Such knowledge assumes a noteworthy job in phonetic research, and in the manner in which etymologists see blunders, get them, and apply their results to improve language ability. Also, Corder recommends that when a student makes a blunder, the most effective approach to show him/her the right structure isn't by just offering the right response to him/her, yet by presenting a self-correctability basis, wherein the student needs to find and locate the right phonetic structure. Along these lines, students ought to be given abundant chances and adequate chance to self-right. The standard perspective about blunder revision is that its motivation is to improve students exactness and language procurement. I have consistently accepted that giving understudies quick remedial and productive input would have helped them secure another dialect better. At the point when I was in secondary school, I used to feel that it was the educators obligation to offer us, students, adjustments of our blunders and that we should adhere to instructors guidelines immovably. Be that as it may, as an educator, I have an entirely unexpected perspective. I bolster the possibility that the sound lingual way to deal with training a language is useful as in we learn syntax through remembrance of exchanges and bores, however I discover Corders contention of making language instructing in an increasingly humanistic and less unthinking manner to be progressively convincing. With this new pattern comes the possibility of students various needs and styles. I right now learn essential Cantonese and Spanish through behaviorist hypothesis. I am not yet a familiar speaker of those two dialects however I put more endeavors to secure these language strands through reiteration and mimicry. In spite of the fact that I see this as an intriguing and interesting learning process, on closer assessment I appreciate the possibility that language training presently follows progressively current hypotheses, which consider understudies needs and needs. Since understudies are not quite the same as each other, they may respond distinctively to their educators blunder remedy. Along these lines, it is very important that we, as language instructors, make a sheltered and steady study hall condition in which our understudies can feel sure and at their straightforwardness about communicating their contemplations and thoughts unreservedly without enduring the danger or shame of having every last one of their off base language expressions adjusted. As Mark R. F reiermuth (1997) advocates in his exposition, mistakes are unavoidable in the language study hall, however they ought to be tended to in a sane and predictable way (p.6). Taking everything into account, despite the fact that the investigation of mistake examination is still very theoretical as we don't have an all around characterized answer for who should address the blunders, when they ought to be revised, and how they ought to be brought to the students consideration, we should remember that there are methods and techniques for blunder adjustment that we should execute in our study halls. Strikingly, as I referenced prior, Corder sees mistakes getting from the students L1 not as inhibitory, yet as something that could help to their learning development, regardless of whether the students are youngsters or grown-ups. As we concentrated in this class, many could consider factors for the L1 move mistakes in the obtaining of English. Among these are age, inspiration, insight, time of presentation to the objective language, spot and reason for learning English. Those can definitely impact SLA and at times they can block correspondence. It is our activit y, thusly, to give our understudies steady help and direction, and guarantee a wonderful and developing feeling.
Biology and Technology in the Real World â⬠Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Depict about hereditarily altered life form, motivation behind hereditary building, production of GMOs, GMO food in grocery store, security of GMO food and guidelines for GMO Answer: Hereditarily adjusted life form Hereditarily adjusted life forms are life forms like plants, creatures or microorganism whose hereditary material has been changed to make new attribute with wanted qualities and which doesn't happen normally by mating. Recombinant DNA innovation or hereditary designing is utilized to improve rearing time and move attributes from remotely related plants. It chooses target qualities and moves it from one living being to other. It is likewise called transgenic life form for move of qualities (Barrows et al., 2014). Motivation behind hereditary designing The principle motivation behind hereditary designing is to expand crop yield or to improve supplement an incentive in food. The makers or shoppers will get advantage from it. It allows makers to get wanted assortment requiring little to no effort and productively showcase their item. They get advantage in term of strength and increasingly healthy benefit. Hereditarily changed seed engineers produce inventive items with the goal that it is acknowledged by makers. Another motivation behind GMO is to secure yields through the presentation of bugs or herbicide safe assortments. For instance herbicide opposition is accomplished through the presentation of qualities from a microorganisms that is impervious to herbicides (QA: hereditarily altered food, 2016). Formation of GMOs Recombinant DNA innovation utilizes various strategies to attractive characteristics of plants or creatures. On account of plants, qualities that express the ideal attribute is chosen in the research center and genuinely moved to another plant to improve the characteristic in the new plant. Such plants are known as transgenic plants. Regularly the procedure is utilized to create herbicide-safe plants. Insulin is additionally arranged by this procedure (How to Make a GMO - Science in the News. (2015). The means for hereditarily adjusted harvests are as per the following: Distinguishing proof of quality of intrigue: Scientist finds new attribute after basic deduction to recognize the attractive assortment of attributes. For instance for looking through a quality of the yield that will make due in the particular condition, a researcher would scan for a life form that endures well in those situations. They could go for screening a rundown of plants; they produce a supplement of intrigue. Confinement of wanted hereditary characteristic: Scientist similarly breaks down various assortments to interpret which part of a living being's hereditary creation contains quality of intrigue. The genome of living being with the characteristic in same species is contrasted with genome without the attribute to recognize qualities present in the previous Bringing the ideal quality into new genome: Desired genome is embedded into new living being to adjust their hereditary arrangement. For instance in biotechnological look into, microscopic organisms are hereditarily designed to create the ideal protein. Explicit compounds are utilized to reorder a DNA into the plasmid. Microorganisms are then given warmth or electric stun with the goal that it acknowledges the hereditarily designed plasmid. Increasing hereditarily changed life form: After effective addition of a hereditary characteristic into a living being's genome, the life form recreate with the recently designed genome. A researcher ought to guarantee that researcher ought to spread just when they are certain that genome was adjusted effectively (Prado et al., 2014). GMO food in general store The food in the general store that is hereditarily built is rice, soybean, sugar beets, added substances and additive like aspartame, cotton, corn, dairy items, tomatoes, oils, and so on. Yields like cotton have been hereditarily adjusted to oppose bothers. Rice is changed to delivered flood safe assortments or with the ideal degree of healthful substance. A few harvests like sugar beets, corns, and so on are designed to create weed safe assortments so they become quicker. Soy is adjusted in nations to get a significant level of oleic corrosive. Cows are likewise given recombinant development hormone to build the amount of milk delivered (Top 20 Foods and Products that have been Genetically Modified, 2016). Wellbeing of GMO food There is incredible discussion with respect to whether GMOs are ok for human utilization or not. Supporters of GMO feel that all transgenic harvests and nourishments are appropriately surveyed for its wellbeing, and all national administrative specialists satisfactorily screen every single such item for expanded hazard to human wellbeing. Numerous individuals feel that they devour such nourishments with no antagonistic reactions. Yet, there is security concern identified with transgenic items in regards to the chance of allergens, poisons or other destructive mixes present in such food. The drawn out impact of transgenic food is additionally not satisfactory. It is hard for a researcher to recognize the drawn out impact of such nourishments as a result of hereditary inconstancy in nourishments. Anti-toxin opposition food might be hurtful as the qualities may enter the cells of the body through food items. It might influence the gastrointestinal tract because of the improvement of sic kness safe assortment strain that can have antagonistic wellbeing outcomes. Unfavorably susceptible responses may happen by devouring this food because of allergenicity, quality exchange and outcrossing. Outcrossing alludes to the movement of qualities from GM to conventional harvests. It might indirectly affect sanitation and food security (Hilbeck et al., 2015). Guidelines for GMO Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is liable for controlling the hereditarily designed nourishment for human and creature utilization. The guidelines may change as indicated by an alternate nation. The USA is the biggest cultivator of hereditarily changed yields. The U.S administrative strategy is represented under Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology. Prior to the arrival of hereditarily altered life form, food is surveyed under Plant Protection Act by US Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is likewise dictated by FDA and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Strauss Sax, 2016). Food Agency audits the wellbeing of GM food by laws, for example, Toxic Substance Control Act, Plant Protection Act, National Environmental Protection Act, Public Health Service Act, Public Health administration Act, and so on. The FDA approach offers obligation to the maker to guarantee the wellbeing of nourishments. FDA forces U.S sanitation law tha t restricts the creation of hazardous food. All hereditarily changed harvests need to meet the legitimate prerequisite for nourishments. This guarantees food makers meet all commitments to flexibly safe food to the market. All makers need to counsel FDA before advertising their items. EPA controls pesticide in GM food to guarantee that they are alright for buyers just as the earth (Consumer Info About Food from Genetically Engineered Plants, 2016). Reference Wheelbarrels, G., Sexton, S., Zilberman, D. (2014). Rural biotechnology: the guarantee and prospects of hereditarily changed crops.The Journal of Economic Perspectives,28(1), 99-119. Customer Info About Food from Genetically Engineered Plants. (2016) Recovered 30 June 2016, from Hilbeck, A., Binimelis, R., Defarge, N., Steinbrecher, R., Szkcs, A., Wickson, F., ... Novotny, E. (2015). No logical agreement on GMO safety.Environmental Sciences Europe,27(1), 1. The most effective method to Make a GMO - Science in the News. (2015).Science in the News. Recovered 30 June 2016, from Prado, J. R., Segers, G., Voelker, T., Carson, D., Dobert, R., Phillips, J., ... Reynolds, T. (2014). Hereditarily designed yields: from thought to product.Annual audit of plant biology,65, 769-790. QA: hereditarily adjusted food. (2016).World Health Organization. Recovered 30 June 2016, from changed food/en/ Strauss, S. H., Sax, J. K. (2016). Closure occasion based guideline of GMO crops.Nature biotechnology,34(5), 474-477. Top 20 Foods and Products that have been Genetically Modified. (2016) Recovered 30 June 2016, from entire nourishments/top-20-hereditarily adjusted nourishments/
Friday, August 21, 2020
Voter Turnout free essay sample
A measurable overview examination of the connection between a voters age and voter turnout. This paper authenticates a measurements review examination that identifies the relationship of voters age with essential political decision. The creator talks about the primary purposes behind the expanded number of more established voters instead of more youthful ones. He reasons that more seasoned individuals are progressively acquainted with casting a ballot strategies, have spare time to cast a ballot and all the more critically, have increasingly political force. Furthermore, the creator suggests that people born after WW2, race, sexual orientation, sex and financial factors likewise have an impact on casting a ballot turnout. Chapter by chapter list I. Presentation II. Writing Review III. Strategies IV. Results V. References VI. Reference section Throughout the decades, the quantities of political race voters have been believed to be on the decay. In spite of the fact that, surveys show that there is an expansion in the quantity of voters of the more established age, there is as yet a lessening in the quantity of generally speaking voters. We will compose a custom exposition test on Voter Turnout or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Inconsistencies particularly happen between essential political decision and general political race turnouts. As per a review and investigation directed by the Star Tribune it was shown, 61 percent of individuals who casted a ballot in Minnesotas 1998 essential political race were age 50 or more seasoned. [1]Voters 65 and over included 17% of the absolute turnout while that of the general political decision was 14%. These figures show that more seasoned age bunches drive an enormous level of essential races, demonstrating its significance. There appear to be an assortment of purposes behind the quantity of the diminishing voters, which makes it even more basic to consider its factors which ranges from age, sex, race and so forth.
CASUAL DRESS DAYS :: Essays Papers
Easygoing DRESS DAYS Presentation Numerous organizations have started utilizing an easygoing dress arrangement on specific days. Actualizing dress-down days might be a powerful method to support representative assurance. The inquiry that appears to spring up time after time is whether dress-down days are an advantage or weight to the organization. Numerous organizations have received Friday as an easygoing or dress-down day, while others have made easygoing business clothing a full-time arrangement. A few workers see wearing easygoing business dress as a representative advantage. To other people, it is a fiasco. The two people are frequently befuddled about what easygoing signifies and about how to dress coolly and still look proficient. A few people in the executives positions feel representatives goof off on easygoing dress day. This report will take a gander at all these issues just as a decision about the adequacy of easygoing dress days. Easygoing DRESS DAY DEFINITION Definition and Description The meaning of easygoing dress days is needy upon such factors as sex, geographic area, sort of firm, and the day's exercises. For example, dressing calmly for a bookkeeper implies khakis with a pleasant shirt. Somebody who functions as a secondary teacher might have the option to wear pants and a decent shirt. Most organizations don't see T-shirts as a worthy type of clothing. In spite of the fact that it might be an easygoing dress day, apparel should at present be flawless, clean, and squeezed. Apparel ought not be hostile, dull, uncovering, or messy. In the event that a worker feels the individual in question may be underdressed, the individual in question most likely is. Organizations That Have Casual-Dress Days Numerous organizations have received easygoing dress days as an apparatus to help worker resolve. The board likes to utilize this as an advantage since it is free. Kinds of organizations that have easygoing dress days are organizations in which workers don't have numerous associations with customers. Bookkeeping firms, insurance agencies, and numerous corporate workplaces utilize the easygoing dress approach. These organizations have easygoing dress days to build specialist profitability, to have progressively open correspondence among staff and supervisors, cost reserve funds to representatives in light of the fact that easygoing business wear is more affordable, and improved work quality. Numerous organizations don't have easygoing dress days in light of the fact that there are numerous ways wearing easygoing garments can hurt business. Workers may decipher the word easygoing too generously and wear wrong attire. The expert picture may likewise be debilitated if customers feel work ers are too easygoing to even consider being depended with their business.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Why Colleges Ask You to Write Essays
Whatââ¬â¢s the big deal with college essays? Almost every school requires them and itââ¬â¢s no easy feat to perfect them. Today, Ryan Hickey explains why these essays are more crucial than you might think! In our technological age, being asked to write a full essay can seem a little antiquated. Why do colleges even ask for these? Just to torture you? More importantly, does anyone actually read them? Rest assured that admissions officers do, in fact, read your essays. Also, admissions officers view them as an important part of your application. No matter how qualified you are, you can kill your chances with a bad essay. On the other hand, if you are minimally qualified or even if something fall bellows the minimum, like your test scores, the essay can be your chance for redemption. Still not convinced that your essays are important? Lets look deeper into the four main reasons that colleges require essays as part of the application process to see why theyre worth your time and attention. 1. Writing Skills You cant make it in college if you cant write. At any point in time during your college education, youll probably have one or more papers to write for your classes. Colleges would be irresponsible to offer you a place in their program if you do not have the basic skills needed to succeed. The admissions officers want to know that you have achieved a level of literacy such that you have a solid command of grammar, sufficient vocabulary, and the ability to organize your thoughts so that you can communicate them effectively to others. 2. Critical Thinking Skills At the collegiate level, youll need to dive beneath the surface of an issue and be able to defend your ideas. Even if the prompt is about a personal experience, the admissions officers will still want you to reflect a level of awareness and understanding that goes beyond the obvious. Theyll want to know that you can reflect meaningfully and think critically about yourself and the world around you. 3. A Good Fit Do you seem like someone who will fit in at the school? If youre a renegade, then you probably wont be happy at a more conservative campus. If you spend your essay writing about how much you love city life, you might not enjoy the slower pace of a college town. Especially if you are applying to a college that is far away from your home, the admissions officers want to see that you will be happy in both the academic environment and the location of the school. 4. Mature Mindset From undergraduate through doctorate, succeeding in a college degree program requires independence, the ability to overcome obstacles, and the ability to work with others who come from backgrounds that are different from yours. Your essays are necessarily a reflection of your mind, and the admissions officers want to know that you have the soft skills to excel in their program. By allowing you the freedom to express yourself through your writing, the admissions officers will be able to see a real human being in ways that cant be seen through standardized test scores, CVs or even letters of recommendation. Ultimately, that is why they ask you to write essays: to get to know you better. Therefore, use your essays to the fullest by writing well, applying critical thinking, showing that you are a good match for the school, and reflecting maturity. Author Bio: Ryan Hickey is the Managing Editor ofà Petersonsà à EssayEdgeà and is an expert in many aspects of college, graduate, and professional admissions. A graduate of Yale University, Ryan has worked in various admissions capacities for nearly a decade, including writing test-prep material for the SAT, AP exams, and TOEFL, editing essays and personal statements, and consulting directly with applicants.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Undisputed Truth About Persuasive Essay Topics Global Issues That the Experts Dont Want You to Know
The Undisputed Truth About Persuasive Essay Topics Global Issues That the Experts Don't Want You to Know All things considered, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. Always remember a great persuasive essay ought to be persuasive. Good persuasive essay topics must be persuasive. So locating the most effective persuasive essay topics is important. You have to know all elements of financial topics when you choose them. Take notes concerning all possible topics it is possible to consider. Problems related to drugs are quite contradictive. You also debate whether the topic is politically accurate. Still, you must make your topic more specific. Qualities of a great persuasive essay topic The topic needs to be specific. Begin with general subjects that you are conversant with then narrow down to a certain topic. Identity theft is a very big issue for elderly folks. For this reason, you've got to come across enough substantial evidence for the specific topic. A broad subject always seems simpler to write about as you're able to discover a lot of materials about it. You absolutely adore the notion of selecting your own topic, but later you can't consider anything. If you can select the problem all on your own, it's possible to produce the issue of interest! The very first thing is to realize the topic you've selected and its principal function. The very first thing you've got to realize searching for an ideal topic is that your opinion is the thing that matters the most. Suppose, you're delivering a speech whose main objective is to deliver information or ideas. How global warming is actually caused. Just imagine, you have all of the freedom on the planet to write about anything you desire. The Basics of Persuasive Essay Topics Global Issues Additionally, your essay will stand the very best possible prospect of gaining good grades if it were written by somebody with a whole comprehension of the English language. When it's our own health or the well-being of a loved one, there are various things to consider and research on. There are a lot of things that may be discussed in regards to education. Others believe that it improves creativity and productivity at work. Let's say you think that Mexican-American relations must be improved. To help students just like you find debatable topics, we've gathered a wide variety of ideas on various subjects and academic levels. Want to Know More About Persuasive Essay Topics Global Issues? Humorous essays are frequently a great deal more fun to write. One of the serious hiccups in choosing funny argumentative essay topics is that comedy is quite a touchy field, and various folks have various opinions of what comedy is about. On the opposite side, acquiring a list of good persuasive essay topics is insufficient. The significance of research in persuasive writing cannot be overstated. If you don't understand how to begin your speech, you can come across samples on our site that may help you. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's crucial to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. When you choose the subject, you must concentrate on the principal points of the speech. When designed for a speech, topics you produce will turn out to be truly capturing when you stick to the tips above. Why free speech ought to be abolished. Sure, with this kind of a big selection of topics to pick from, picking just one may be challenging. On account of the previous angle, a lot of people get into plenty of difficulties writing essays on funny argumentative essay topics. Freedom of choice is terrific.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Teaching Behavior Style Interview Questions - 1066 Words
COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a one day seminar which provides an excellent opportunity for Departmental Supervisors to build on their existing interviewing skills. Through a variety of activities, participants will learn the differences between traditional interviewing and the increasing popular method of the competency based style. Also called behavioural interviewing, this method, once learned and implemented can greatly improve your ability to hire the candidate who best fits the needs of the job, the department and the organization as a whole. A2 COURSE OUTLINE Objective: Participants will be able to develop behaviour style interview questions and be able to identify the benefits of using this style compared to the traditional interview style. Trainees: Department Supervisors (16 participants) Duration: 1 day; 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (7 instructional hours + breaks) TIME MODULE TITLE MODULE OBJECTIVES 8:30 ââ¬â 9:30 INTRODUCTION - Housekeeping Issues - Self Introduction by Trainer - Introductions by Participants - Brief overview of the days agenda - Distribute pre-test ââ¬â written exercise in which participants will read a question and identify which style it represents Participants will be made aware of venue layout such as emergency exits and washrooms. I (as the trainer) will share my background with the participants to validate my knowledge and expertise on the subject. Participants will be introduced to each other and find out what department each represents.Show MoreRelatedInterview With Five Veteran Teachers Essay examples1592 Words à |à 7 Pagesresponses to ten questions. Interviews were conducted by telephone. Those interviews consist of three, five, ten, fifteen, and twenty year teachers. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Using and Conjugating the Spanish Verb Oler
Just as the verb to smell can be used to refer to the act of smelling or the act of producing an odor, so can the Spanish verb oler. But the verbs are used in somewhat different ways in the two languages. Oler comes from the Latin verb olÃâre and is related to a few English words such as olfactory and odor. How To Use Oler Oler is usually used with a direct object when telling what a person or creature smells: Me gusta oler las flores. (I like smelling the flowers.)Mi hermano no podà a oler la comida. (My brother couldnt smell his meal.)Olà amos el aire fresco del bosque. (We smelled the fresh air of the forest.) Oler can also be used figuratively in the same way: à ¡Casi puedo oler la libertad! (I can almost smell freedom!) To describe what something smells like, you can use oler a: El coche olà a a gasolina. (The car smelled of gasoline.)Desde que comencà © a amamantar a mi bebà © siento que huelo a vaca. (Since I started to nurse my baby I have felt that I smell like a cow.)Tu casa huele a tabaco. (Your house smells of tobacco.)No huele a los baratos perfumes. (It doesnt smell like the cheap perfumes.) Again, oler can be used this way figuratively: La casa olà a a dinero. (The house smelled of money.) Without an object, oler can refer to the act of smelling: No puedo oler desde hace aà ±os. (I havent been able to smell for years.) When used with an indirect-object pronoun, oler can be used to mean to suspect or to seem that when it has that meaning: Me huele que el problema no es de tu ordenador. (It seems to me that the problem isnt with your computer.)A mà me huele que fuiste bruja en la vida pasada. (I suspect that you were a witch in your previous life.)Ya le ha olido lo que estamos haciendo. (She already suspects what we were doing.) The reflexive form also can be used to express suspicion: Me lo olà a yo desde el sà ¡bado. (Ive suspected it since Saturday.)Cuando se huele algo se evoca la memoria emocional. (When you suspect something it triggers the emotional memory.) Full Simple Conjugation of Oler Oler is conjugated regularly except that the o- of the stem changes to hue- when stressed. The irregular forms are shown below in boldface: Present indicative: yo huelo, tà º hueles, usted/à ©l/ella huele, nosotros/as olemos, vosotros/as olà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas huelen (I smell, you smell, you/he/she smell/smells, we smell, you smell, they smell) Imperfect indicative: yo olà a, tà º olà as, usted/à ©l/ella olà a, nosotros/as olà amos, vosotros/as olà as, ustedes/ellos/ellas olà an (I used to smell, you used to smell, etc.) Preterite indicative: yo olà , tà º oliste, usted/à ©l/ella olià ³, nosotros/as olimos, vosotros/as olà as, ustedes/ello/ellas olà an (I smelled, you smelled, etc.) Future indicative: yo olerà ©, tà º olerà ¡s, usted/à ©l/ella olerà ¡, nosotros/as oleremos, vosotros/as olerà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas olerà ¡n (I will smell, you will smell, etc.) Conditional: yo olerà a, tà º olerà as, usted/à ©l/ella olerà a, nosotros/as olerà amos, vosotros/as olerà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas olerà an (I would smell, you would smell, etc.) Present subjunctive: que yo huela, que tà º huelas, que usted/à ©l/ella huela, que nosotros/as olamos, que vosotros/as olà ¡is, que ustedes/ellos/ellas huelan (that I smell, that you smell, etc.) Imperfect subjunctive (more common form): que yo oliera, que tà º olieras, que usted/à ©l/ella oliera, que nosotros/as olià ©ramos, que vosotros/as olierais, que ustedes/ellos/ellas olieran (that I smelled, that you smelled, etc.) Imperfect subjunctive (less common form): que yo oliese, que tà º olieses, que usted/à ©l/ella oliese, que nosotros/as olià ©semos, que vosotros/as olieseis, que ustedes/ellos/ellas oliesen (that I smelled, that you smelled, etc.) Imperative: huele tà º, no huelas tà º, huela usted, olamos nosotros/as, oled vosotros/as, no olà ¡is vosotros/as, huelan ustedes (Smell! Dont smell! Lets smell! Smell! Dont smell! Smell!) Compound Conjugations of Oler Perfect forms of oler use the appropriate form of haber with the part participle, olido. For example, the first-person indicative perfect of oler is he olido (I have smelled). Progressive (or continuous) forms are formed with the present participle, oliendo, and the appropriate form of estar. For example, the first-person indicative present progressive form of oler is estoy oliendo (I am smelling). Both past and present participles are conjugated regularly. Key Takeaways The verb oler can refer to smelling something or to giving off an odor.The phrase oler a is the equivalent of the English phrases to smell of and to smell like.Most forms of oler are conjugated regularly, although the stem changes when stressed.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Catalytic Subunit B-family of Replicative DNA...
The catalytic subunit-Polà ± Polymerase à ± is the first mammalian polymerase detected. It is a member of the B-family of replicative DNA polymerases. Its primary role is to further extend the RNA primer by addition of deoxy-nucleotides (dNTPs) into a total of 20-25 nucleotides of RNA-DNA primer. Generally, replicative DNA polymerases, polymerize dNTPs by catalyzing nucleophilic attack of the 3ââ¬â¢-hydroxyl group of the primer onto the à ±-phosphate of an incoming dNTP aligned to the template strand. The accuracy of the polymerases is achieved by a confirmation of the correct base pairing of the incoming dNTP and the template strand according to Watson-Crick base-pairing. The accuracy of the primases is further enhanced (100 fold) by their exonuclease activity where in the event of a mismatch the growing strand is pushed back to the exonuclease active and the mismatched nucleotide is excised. Most of our structural knowledge of the B-family of DNA polymerases came from the structure of the prototypical family member, bacteriophage RB69 Pol (Wang et al., 1997 in elife). Followed that the structure of the bacterial DNA Pol II (Wang and Yang, 2009 in elife) and then yeast Pol à ´ (Swan et al., 2009). Only recently, the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the yeast Pol à ± subunit, Pol à ± 349ââ¬â1258, has been solved (elife). The structure confirmed that Pol à ± shares a polymerase and an exonuclease domains similar to RB69 Pol, bacterial DNA Pol II and yeast Pol à ´. Unlike the otherShow MoreRelatedDna Analysis : Dna And Dna2142 Words à |à 9 Pages DNA polymerases are vital in how an organism can sustain life. DNA polymerases are enzymes that synthesize DNA molecules from deoxyribonucleotides and are accountable for DNA replication. They are absolutely critical for DNA replication and will typically work in sets so that they can create two identical sets of DNA strands from one single strand of DNA. DNA polymerase will catalyze the reaction: deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNAn diphosphate + DNAn+1. DNA polymerases are extremely important
The Salem Witch Trials Of 1692-93 - 2316 Words
When examining the topic of the Salem witch trials of 1692-93, Cotton Mather is presumed to be a major cause behind the hysteria of the events. He contributed to this image, perhaps unknowingly, by publishing numerous works especially ââ¬Å"Wonders of the Invisible World.â⬠At first glance, Mather s book seems to be just a detailed account of the trials and executions that took place in the Massachusetts colony, but deeper investigation reveals otherwise. To dispel Mather s arguments and reveal more details on the events of Salem at this time, Robert Calef published ââ¬Å"More Wonders of the Invisible Worldâ⬠in 1700. Calef s book seems just as capable as Mather s book to maintain longevity in the world of literature and American history, however Mather has held a much more prominent stance out of the two. By examining Cotton Mather s obligation to God and comparing the language of Mather and Calef, we develop more understanding as to why his arguments remain more promine nt than Calef s as well as how both of the authors influenced literature and American history in general. Cotton Mather s strenuous attempts to live up to the image of his father, Increase Mather, is one factor contributing to his form of writing. He was also influenced especially by his Calvinist upbringing that taught him to take life seriously and resort to prayer in time of need. This deeply religious upbringing helped Mather to develop a sense of self-discipline at a young age. He was proficient inShow MoreRelatedAbdeali Dalal. Dr. Jenkins. History 1301. February 13,1541 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch Hunt of 1692â⬠ââ¬Å"Escaping Salem; The Other Witch hunt of 1692â⬠was penned and published by Richard Godbeer in 2005. Godbeer expressed his views on what he called basic witch trials in Salem and more importantly, in Stamford, Connecticut Massachusetts. The same year that Salem witch hunt and trials began in 1692, another witch hunt took place in Stamford, the Western Connecticut to when a woman (Elizabeth Clawson) from there was also accused of Witchcraft. These witch huntRead MoreThe Events And History Of Salem Witch Trials799 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Events and History of the Salem Witch Trials Katie Dugganâ⬠¨World history period 4â⬠¨Mr. Whittemoreâ⬠¨26 February 2016 We have been blaming others for our misfortunes since before the Roman Empire. The Salem witch trials started through a little girl s illness and spread to other men, women and children. The events that took place during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 is part of a pattern through our history to persecute innocent people. Belief in the devilââ¬â¢s practice of giving certainRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1441 Words à |à 6 PagesCrucible was based off the events in a small town/ village called Salem in 1692. There were no more than 600 residents all together so everyone knew each other. The Crucible focused on the Salem witch trials that took place, and started from young girls claiming to be possessed by the devil. The people who lived in Salem were so obsessive about the possible threats in their town that they came up with unreasonable reasons on who was a witch, which made many innocent people die. Many innocent people wereRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials : Questionable And Scandalous Time1010 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials were a questionable and scandalous time in New England history that led to the deaths of 14 women and 6 men, all of whom had been charged with practicing witchcraft. The trials were the result of the strange and unexplainable behavior of two young girls , who exhibited violent convulsions and uncontrollable outburst of screaming and fits that left them unable to see,speak or hear. After a local doctor examined them and found no physical reason for their fits, diagnosed themRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials : A Day By Day Chronicle Of A Community Under Siege Essay1671 Words à |à 7 PagesThe book I have chosen to write about is ââ¬Å"The Salem Witch Trials: A Day by Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siegeâ⬠written by Marilynne K. Roach and published in 2002. Marilynne K. Roach is the president of the Historical Society of Watertown and a member of the Watertown Historical Commission board, she also is an active board member and a curator of the Salem Witch Museum. She has multiple books that have been published about the Salem and the trials that occurred in the late 17th and early 18thRead MoreSalem Witch Hunt : A Phenomenon Of Witch Trials1499 Words à |à 6 Pages The Salem Witch Hunt was a phenomenon of witch trials in the Early Modern period. It occurred in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. It all started when a group of young girls, Betty Parris, 9 years old, and Abigail Williams, 11 years old, started to behave in a crazy manner, like screaming and barking like a dog, and it got to the point where they assumed they were ââ¬Å"possessedâ⬠. Soon after that, Ann Putnam Jr. and other Salem girls began acting similarly. People started getting very scared and startedRead MoreThe Salem Of Witch Trails2281 Words à |à 10 PagesBlumberg, the Salem of witch trails was a really bad part of the United State. There were people who didnââ¬â¢t understanding why they were getting accused. This happed during 1692 and 1693 in Massachusetts. This happened during this time. The main parts that started and fueled the trials were politics, religion, family, feuds, economics, and the imaginations and fears of people (Sutter). The seeds of the hysteria is afflicted Salem village, Massachusetts were sown on January 1692 when groups ofRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller Essay1646 Words à |à 7 Pagesin the play. Although Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s The Crucible is set in the late 1600s, it offers a fine example of allegory of McCarthyism in the 1950s. During the late 1600s in Salem, Massachusetts, people are experiencing a somewhat mass hysteria as the witch trials occur. The main plot of the play revolves around a group of people in Salem. In begins with Abigail Williams and other girls being questioned about practicing witchcraft when a young Betty Parris is found motionless and unconscious. While beingRead MoreCommunism And Communism In Arthur Millers The Crucible711 Words à |à 3 Pagesanalogy using the events of the Salem Witch Trials of 1693 to expose the ugly truth behind communism and McCarthyism. To begin, the word crucible derived from the Latin root word ââ¬Å"cruxâ⬠means cross. In explanation, a crucible is a severe test or trial, which is precisely what occurs in the play. Ordinarily, ââ¬Å"The Crucibleâ⬠inked in 1952, is a dramatization of The Salem Witch Trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts during 1692-93. The Crucible examines witch hunts that took place withinRead MoreThe Salem Of Witch Trails2303 Words à |à 10 PagesBlumberg, the Salem of witch trails it was a really bad part of the United State. There were people who didnââ¬â¢t understanding why they were getting accused. This happed during the 1692 and 1693 in Massachusetts this was really happing during this time. The main parts that started and fueled the trials were politics, religion, family, feuds, economics, and the imaginations and fears of people (Sutter). The seeds of the hysteria is afflicted Salem village, Massachusetts were sown on January 1692 when groups
Cuisine And Culture Of The Restaurant â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Cuisine And Culture Of The Restaurant. Answer: Cuisine And Culture Of The Restaurant: I went to dine in the Host India restaurant situated in Ottawa, Canada. The Host India restaurant is known for fulfilling the wish of those food consumers in Canada, who crave for Indian foods. It mainly provides all dishes that is popular in Indian cuisine and provides authentic Indian food both in the form of buffet as well as delivery/take out. All contemporary Indian meals and desserts are available there ( 2018). Review Of Dining Experience At The Restaurant: I and my friend went to the Host India restaurant to try a different cuisine, however we had little idea about Indian cuisines. However, the experience there was exceptional as the manner in which they presented their foods to us, I got to know a lot about Indian cuisines. The first thing that attracted out attention while entering the restaurants was interior and exterior dcor of the restaurant. Unlike other classic restaurant in Canada, it had Indian decorations instead of Italian decorations. The ambience may not be termed as exceptional or unique, it had basic dining tables and buffet areas arranged for guest. However, everything looked sleek and clean. This impressed me because hygiene is a priority for me when I visit a restaurant. Based on the dcor and cuisine, it can be said that the restaurant acted an ethnic restaurant that used their dining services to attract the attention of tourist. Through their focus on maintaining authenticity of Indian food both in dcor as well as f ood served, they engaged in good expression of identity. The notion of authenticity as a motivation for promoting culinary tourism was maintained (Molz 1998). As I had no idea about the cuisine, I was a little clueless about the menu presented to us. This is because we were mainly used to Italian and European cuisines and we were confused regarding the food we should order. Once the staff realized that we were not acquainted with Indian cuisine, he approached us in a delightful manner to explain about the specialty of Indian cuisines and the food that is a must to try here. They were interest not only in serving food but also in striking a cord with us. They asked us questions like Have you dined here before? and what type of food you wish to eat here?. This type of communication strategy helped us to understand the type of flavor and spices we can expect here. Hence, we finally ended up ordering the classic samosa for starters and butter chicken with naan after we got to know that these are the popular items in Indian cuisine. This experience also taught us how food can be a good vehicle for tourism. They were involved in excellent culina ry tourism by their communication strategies. Restaurant staffs acts as the active agent, who help people who are not familiar with a cuisine to construct meaning of the food and fetish the exotic food options. The strategy used by restaurants to construct and negotiate identity about an unknown cuisine is understood (Beagan et al. 2015). In addition, while we were served the food, the staffs at Host India maintained the edibility and palatability value of the food by their presentation styles. Each food items that we ordered were nicely presented and one staff was giving us good information about the spices in each food items. The cutleries and other items at the table were also arranged according to Indian dining styles. They never left us unattended and came back during the meal to ask if we were enjoying the dish. Their attentive service was a winning point for me as their attitude showed that they were willing to provide good dining experience to us. This is also understood from the concept of culinary tourism perspective as Indian food is a rare food item in Canada and by using their food presentation technique and interest in making us familiar with the cuisine, they were promoting interest of diners in Indian cuisine. This strategy to introduce guest to new food by means of good dining experience and providing information about ingredients promotes culinary tourism and ensures that people who are not familiar with cuisine eats the food with pleasure instead of curiosity (Long, 1998).. As a person who loves to experiment with different food items, the experience of visiting the Host India restaurant provided me the opportunity to engage in connoiseeur cosmopolitanism. Connoiseeur cosmopolitanism focus on learning about different international foods and cuisines and the staffs at Host India helped me a lot in giving me knowledge about Indian cuisines (Beagan et al. 2015). They engaged in constructive tourism too as after the meal they asked us whether anything should be changed about dining experience there. I liked the service, the presentation style, however I wanted a better ambience. Due to my curiosity for Indian foods, I visited the website and Facebook page of the restaurant too after the dining experience. The manner in which they have introduced them in the website is very appealing for me. This is because it mentioned in great detail mainly about the Indian meals and the details about the cuisine motivated me to visit again ( 2018). References: Beagan, B.L., Chapman, G.E., Johnston, J., McPhail, D., Power, E.M. and Vallianatos, H., 2015.Acquired tastes: Why families eat the way they do. UBC Press. 2018. Host India Food Delivery Takeout Menu | Ottawa. Retrieved 5 March 2018, from Long, L. M. (1998). Culinary tourism: A folkloristic perspective on eating and otherness.Southern Folklore,55(3), 181. Molz, J.G., 1998. Tasting an imagined Thailand.Culinary Tourism,55(3), p.53.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Once Upon a Time... free essay sample
Kelly McDermott WRTG 1 1 50/Albert Literacy Narrative Final 28 August 2010 Once upon a time Writing does not happen like it does in fiction, with inspirational background music, and a sudden appearance ofa beautiful Greek muse. Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a blank piece of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. (Gene Fowler). People do not sit for hours in front of a computer screen, fghting with a word-processers grammar, because it is fun. Writing can be either worse than the fires from Dantes famous inferno or more lovely than true love, but, n either case, often a needed explosion of brain cells. For me, forming meaning from what started out as inscriptions on cave walls is more than creating art or a little need, but essential. It is not only what I do. Writing is my identity. Delving into my fresh idea for my novel this summer, I found a book that told me how to write a novel in a month. We will write a custom essay sample on Once Upon a Time or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though I did not in fact write half a novel in a month, several things the author said still are a large part of my everyday writing experience. An exercise he suggested the reader do was to sit down with some background music (l chose Sun Dance: Summer Solstice), and write for fifteen minutes about something always wanted/wished for in our own life. What I did write is surprisingly personal to me, but I will say that even now reading it will still shock me; I had no clue that I had the feelings that I did bottled up inside. I remember the only conscious thought I had during the entire writing burst was hmm I guess I kinda would like Then I finished writing and my soul was peeking at me between the scrawls on the scrap paper I had decided to use for this useless looking exercise. Eighth grade was the ear that I decided: I would write a novel, I would have it published, and I would be famous. I still have the handwritten original twenty or so pages I wrote five years ago. However, my novel has taken on a completely new basic plot as a freshman in college. I had teachers who taught me how to write using the amazingly in-depth grammar available to me, and I had teachers who taught me about life itself, and that is what my novel is now about: life (using parapsychology to give it a supernatural mood). My favorite teacher in up through high school my best friends mom, referred o as either Mom or Mrs. Thompson. She was my tenth grade honors comp-lit teacher, my humanities one and two teacher, and she was my advanced placement literature instructor senior year. She scared me. Still does usually. Her grading was not what terrified my senior class, or her Look (although that was rather effective when done at the right moment), but rather, her disappointment. When I wrote something horrible in Mrs. Thompsons class I did not care what the number written on the bottom was All I cared about was actually whether she liked it or not, and hether I had her time had been wasted in the end or not. The books we read in my literature class were not assignments; they were gifts from Mrs. Thompson. Read well-written novels that spoke morals? YES! Reading for classes and for fun in free people that I was reading the Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling when I was in second grade and reading adult level books in middle school. Personally, I am surprised that I did not decide earlier in my life than the last year in my middle school that writing a novel would be a good idea. What actually surprises me most is what has helped me ost with my actual writing: a website. Goodreads. com has a spot where one can search for quotes from authors and famous people and I have always enjoyed reading quotes. When I began reading quotes from Stephan King, however, I began to improve all my writing, not Just my little novel. Not that I have actually read any of his stories myself. Only his quotes and his book On Writing, which discusses his own writing advice and experience. It has been enough to make him one of my favorite author role models. He makes me laugh, feel inspired, and most importantly, he akes me get off my writers block by telling me simply, you can, you should, and if youre brave enough to start, you will. Too many books on writing tell the aspiring writers who read them to let inspiration come to them, but that is nothing like any writing realistically works. miou [cannot] wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club Cack London). Writing a paper that delves into the rhetoric of Heart of Darkness by Conrad will not be affected much by inspiration, and writing a poem on the beauty of a tree should bypass conscious inspiration if done correctly. Writing, to me, is saying what I cannot always handle thinking, or rather, my thoughts draining from my brain onto a page without passing my conscious go. For years, Journaling was to me as numbers are to an accountant: no longer exciting, but it was what I did. Writing in a Journal became almost an obligation to tell the invisible person inside the pages the important things happening in my life. Suddenly, in high school, writing developed a completely different meaning in my world, the change beginning with the mystical quality of poetry. The first poem I wrote for my ninth grade honors comp-lit class assignment shocked me with its intensity. We were each given a list of twenty words, and were to choose ten to have in our individual poems, and focus a theme on. It was not the last poem I wrote. Now when I write a poem, Journal, or work on my novel, doing so is not an obligation, doing so could often be considered enlightening by the insight I will often get inside of my own mind. When I picture a poet, I either see my friend Juliana leaning over a tiny notebook in class or Emily Dickenson, sitting by a window, closed off from the world. A novelist? A gray bearded man typing away at an old-fashioned typewriter. Yet here I am, lying on my carpet in my dorm room with a laptop, listening to show tunes and Pandora Radio, and I consider myself in the same league. My goal? Writing isnt about making money, getting famous , or making friends. In the end, it is about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It is about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Getting happy (Stephan King).
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
GLUEP BALL EXPERIMENT Essays - Matter, Manufacturing,
GLUEP BALL EXPERIMENT Darina Vrublevskaya Observations TRIAL ONE TRIAL TWO BALL REST Does not maintain its shape Maintains its shape BALL BOUNCE Does not bounce and sticks onto the desk Does bounce, about 15 cm up THIN STRIP The strip pulls off and falls The strip holds together PULL ENDS SLOWLY Falls apart Gluep stretches far PULL ENDS QUICKLY Falls apart Snaps into two Questions In glue t he tangled molecules make glue thick and viscous rather than thin and runny. When glue is exposed to air, the water evaporates, leaving the tangled polymer molecules. The tangled molecules stick to the surfaces on which they dried, and hold the surfaces together. Borax has ions can form links between the long, thin polymer molecules in the glue which makes Gluep more like a solid than the plain liquid glue. It allows holding its shape for a short time, and as long as it is not strained. When Gluep rests, the flexible network gradually relaxes, and the Gluep flattens. When Gluep is stretched quickly, the links between molecules break, and the Gluep snaps apart into pieces. Gluep contains a lot of water that contributes to the liquid-like properties to Gluep . If the Gluep is left exposed to open air, the water will evaporate, and the Gluep will gradually stiffen. Altering the materials affected the consistency of the Gluep ball because each substance that was added into the mixture had different types of ions which made the texture different, and the Gluep ball act differently too. This is all linked to stoichiometry because it is the relationship between the relative quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound, typically a ratio of whole integers . In this experiment, we compared substances and have observed different types of reactions to them. Works Cited FLINN Scientific Canada. (2013). Glue Slime. Retrieved from SciFun . (2014). Gluep - Solid or Liquid? Retrieved from http://scifun.che m.
Long Term Career Goals For Students in the School of History
Long Term Career Goals For Students in the School of HistoryMany students have the opposite problem, and they don't have a good idea about writing a sample essay for a PhD in History. Some of these students are really not sure what they should write about. This is understandable, because many of them assume that the goal is to achieve a PhD in History or some other university curriculum.In fact, it is so much more than that. The Ph.D. in History requires a completely different type of essay. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the many requirements that make up a sample for this specific objective.A Ph.D. student should have strong teaching qualities. In fact, there is a very specific theme that is required. This can be found on the Department of History website, as it is entitled 'PhD Essay Format and Theme.'The thesis statement is a five-sentence statement that summarizes the main focus of the thesis paper. It has the same basic format as the professor's outline. The authors should start by writing one paragraph. That is followed by four paragraphs that discuss a particular theme.The last paragraph has to be the conclusion and discuss a research or event from the thesis. The author should also include sources where he/she has consulted for information. After writing all of the paragraphs, there is a list of questions that is called an appendix.An organization will want a few sentences that describe their specific topic and structure. The academic year for this specific topic is included in the sample.For the doctoral candidate who is not yet a tenure-trackfaculty member at a major university, it is absolutely imperative to write a good presentation. The presentation should be well organized and clearly written. It should address what it is that students should learn, the standard and is there something else that they should consider as well.As a student who has started thinking about graduate school, it is very important to recognize that there are many short term career goals for students to pursue. However, this does not mean that the longer term goal is unimportant. In fact, students should always look for options that offer options that are a bit outside of their current realm of specialization.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
The Vist
The Vist The night sky of Neton was a clear one. The deep blue,almost a black but well illuminated by the bright fullmoon, glistened with a pattern of twinkling stars. Thebackground light from Brisbane was almost nonexistent,a pleasant change of atmosphere that was rarely appreciatedby most.Except Jane. She loved the clear sky, the faint presence ofthe Milky Way as it wrapped itself across the near-endlessplane that was the sky She stood out on the balcony, staringinto the azure. Was there life out there? she wondered. Theuniverse is so huge, why not? Besides, with all the strangethings that happen in the world you'd think that there mightas well be aliens to make the group whole.A streak of light suddenly pierced the night's sky and left adazzling trail of cosmic dust behind it. Jane gasped in awe.A falling star.360Ã ° panorama of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley ...The brightest she had seen! She quickly closedher eyes and made a wish, knowing that a wish from a falling starhad excellent ch ances of coming to pass. But the wish had to bestrongly formed in one's mind, or else it would dissipate with allthe other bits of wishful thinking that took place in the night.She tried to form an image, . She almost had it. She slowlyopened her eyes and visualized... Max. Standing at thedoor and was looking at her with an air of mild curiosity.'HEY Jane' he yelled! ' What the hell are you doing ?'Jane nearly fell backwards. He was no vision!That idiot was once again eavesdropping on her!'I WAS making a wish, you jerk!' she blurted out, 'You'vejust ruined it, though!''Making wishes ? Don't bother. No amount of wishingwill make you a better...
Monday, February 24, 2020
New policy on Criminal Justice, Homeland Security and International Essay
New policy on Criminal Justice, Homeland Security and International Relations - Essay Example Since 9/11 there have been many other incidents of terrorism in large metro areas, such as the London bombings of a few years ago, the more recent coordinated bombings in Egyptian hotels, the latest attacks in Afghanistan, etc., so thinking that a certain area is inherently safe is passe. This is an understandable response to an uncertain future, but it also means that national and world long-term threats often get ignored or are even made worse by myopic decisions; in everyday life, real accountable and responsible people look out for the long-term perspective despite the limiting needs of the present. Policy must concentrate on defining the community and potential disasters, the plan for the US is highlighted in terms of identifying threats so they can be stopped before disaster strikes, or managed once it strikes. Part of the plan gauging the level of disaster preparedness in the US is important. The plan of the policy I propose is to follow mandatory evacuation orders as a citizen and meet at the nearest Red Cross shelter to the community that is in question. More information about this community includes its name and address. There are instructions to meet there, and there are escape routes and evacuation routes which are posted and that people should know and follow as a mandatory evacuation. The plan also involves surveillance to catch the perpetrators while the citizens are being evacuated. Plans and policies like these are needed following the London attacks along the lines of aggressive forward progress against the international war on terror, a situation which has been ignored in the past to deleterious consequences by the media as well. That is, after the attacks on Washington and New York, the European community was similarly galvanized before being slightly put off, to say the least, by the USââ¬â¢s ensuing behavior and absolutist rhetoric, which not even a totally loyal media could spin, not to mention his dismissal of U.N. authority on
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Configuring, Communicating and Delivering Value Essay
Configuring, Communicating and Delivering Value - Essay Example In other words we are going to deal with the whole marketing mix of the sporting goods footwear products. Thus now onwards we may be using the marketing concepts related to the product itself while as earlier the customer was under focus. The value of a product or a service can be created by defining it. That is, what our product is and how it is going to satisfy the needs of customers. The value configuration phase includes three parts ââ⬠product, brand and price of the product. Defining our product is very essential in order to position it in the minds of customers. According to Know, marketing starts with the product since it is what an organization has to offer its target market. Product in other words is the solution to the problems of the customer. These solutions include tangible or intangible (or both) product offerings marketed by an organization. Another importance of the product in marketing is that it generates revenue for the company. It is the ââ¬Å"thingâ⬠that companies sell in order to realize profits and satisfy stakeholders. There should be a well developed product strategy which is compatible with the target market to succeed in the long run. Because of these two reasons, we must define our product. But our aim here is to create a value for our product offering. We have to take into consideration various factors which can help us create a value which will be later communicated and delivered to the customers. In other words before communicating the offering, it should be made worth communicating. First of all the product is to be categorized. According to Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O.C., 2005, there are two general categories of product ââ⬠Consumer products and Business products. As far as sporting goods market is considered it can be targeted with both consumer as well as business products. Pricing, distribution and promotion of a product depends
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Sallust and the Fall of Rome Essay Example for Free
Sallust and the Fall of Rome Essay Sallust also said ââ¬Å"at home they lived frugally and never betrayed a friendâ⬠. This means they were always kind and never betrayed anyone. This was all before money became a factor. Sallust could see that Rome was becoming greedy and started to care only about money and knew Rome was going to collapse. He said ââ¬Å"as soon as wealth came to be a mark of distinction and an easy way to renown, military commands and political power, virtue began to declineâ⬠. This was before the actual fall of Rome but it was absolutely correct. Rome began to fall apart over money and never went back. They ended up fighting themselves over money and that allowed others to take over. Sallust also said ââ¬Å"such men, it seems to me, have treated their wealth as a mere plaything: instead of making honorable use of it, they have shamefully misused it on the first wasteful project that occurred to themâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ . This sums up how the thought of money as a toy and used it on the first thing they saw. This greed made Rome fall. Rome was the greatest empire of its time but all things come to an end. Some things ended with war or disease but Rome fell because of the greed of the people there. Greed never leads to anything good and this is probably the best example of that in history. Sallust was completely right when he predicted the fall of Rome over money but no one listened and that was the end of Rome.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Similar Attitudes Toward Machinery, Language, and Substance in Wordswor
Similar Attitudes Toward Machinery, Language, and Substance in Wordsworth, Pope and Dryden William Wordsworthââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Preface to Lyrical Balladsâ⬠is from the Romantic Period of British literature, while Alexander Popeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Rape of the Lockâ⬠and John Drydenââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Mac Flecknoeâ⬠are both from the Neoclassical Period; ââ¬Å"The Rape of the Lockâ⬠is from the Augustan Age, while ââ¬Å"Mac Flecknoeâ⬠is from the Restoration (ââ¬Å"Literaryâ⬠). Despite these discrepancies in the time periods that their respective works were produced, however, Wordsworth, Pope, and Dryden express similar attitudes toward machinery, language, and substance. Their works evidence their agreement that machinery is a destructive force of serial production and repetition; good poetic language should exclude such repetition and be original and substantial, and poetic images can be used to create substance out of a lack of substance. First, the texts of Wordsworth, Pope, and Dryden evidence their agreement that machinery is a destructive force of serial production and repetition. In ââ¬Å"Preface to Lyrical Ballads,â⬠Wordsworth writes, ââ¬Å"However exalted a notion we would wish to cherish of the character of a Poet, it is obvious, that, while he describes and imitates passions, his situation is altogether slavish and mechanical, compared with the freedom and power of real and substantial action and sufferingâ⬠(361). In this statement, Wordsworth expresses his view that an association with anything ââ¬Å"mechanical,â⬠or ââ¬Å"[o]perated or produced by a mechanism or machine,â⬠is not exalted and is unbecoming to a poet; machinery does not help produce freedom and substance (ââ¬Å"Mechanicalâ⬠). In ââ¬Å"The Rape of the Lock,â⬠Pope similarly demonstrates that machinery causes a lack of freedom and ... ...ntic Period, the three works agree on three ideas. They agree that machinery is a destructive force of serial production and repetition; good poetic language should exclude such repetition and be original and substantial, and poetic images can be used to create substance out of a lack of substance. Interestingly, their views are quite relevant to a British literature student who has to use her laptop computer to produce an original, substantial piece of writing from four blank sheets of paper. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Literary Periods of British and American Literature.â⬠The Literary Explorer. Renà ©e Goodvin. 15 Nov. 2004 . ââ¬Å"Mechanical.â⬠The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2000 Fourth ed. 15 Nov. 2004 . (The Longman Anthology of British Literature 2nd Edition, Volumes 1c and 2a).
Monday, January 13, 2020
ââ¬ÅAfterwardsââ¬Â by Thomas Hardy Essay
ââ¬ËAfterwards,ââ¬â¢ by Thomas Hardy, is a poem that questions the way that people will look upon the narrator after his death. It centreââ¬â¢s around the idea of ââ¬Ënoticing things,ââ¬â¢ showing the narrators precision and the ambivalence of his neighbours. Hardy gets this across by the techniques that he uses, and the detailed descriptions which show the full extent of what the narrator has noticed. The poem shows the complexity of nature, and describes the cycle of life. The first stanza begins by personifying the ââ¬ËPresent,ââ¬â¢ which is very appropriate as the poem is concerned by the aliveness of the surroundings that it is describing. The reference to the back gate suggests closure, and is a very precise way of describing the end of the narratorââ¬â¢s life. This sense of closure is also demonstrated in the structure of the poem, which is self-contained in its alternate rhyming quatrains. It has a rhyming pattern of abab, which means that the poem is soft and pleasing to hear, reflects the quietness of nature and goes along with the idea of the man being gentle and ââ¬Ëtremulousââ¬â¢. It is also pleasing to the eye as each stanza loosely mirrors the previous one. However the number of syllables varies in each line, which means the poem is not constrained by its structure. This is fitting to the content of the poem as there are references to birds, and flying which has the connotations of freedom. An example of this is, ââ¬ËAnd the May month flaps its glad green leaves like wings.ââ¬â¢ This animal imagery is totally un-restrictive, as well as painting a very bright and vibrant picture of the season that he is describing. The alliteration, combined with each line only having one syllable helps to achieve the bouncing, jolly effect. The line also shows enjambment from the first line that is a technique carried on throughout the poem, adding to the overall continuity. The month of May is also described as being ââ¬Ëdelicate-filmed as new spun silk.ââ¬â¢ This simile gives a very precise description of the beauty of spring, comparing it to a shiny new fabric, and giving it an almost transparent quality. There are also the connotations of value and exquisiteness. The second stanza moves consecutively from daytime to dusk, using appropriateà language to describe the time. Hardy is precise in describing the moment the hawk lands as like ââ¬Ëan eyelids soundless blink.ââ¬â¢ This has the combined effect of conveying both the visual swiftness of movement, and also the quietness of the moment. He manages to create an eerie tone by using the word ââ¬Ëshades,ââ¬â¢ which gives the impression that there are many shadows and it is not very easy to see. The eerie tone is continued by the ââ¬Ëwind-warped upland thorn,ââ¬â¢ in which the plosive ââ¬ËRââ¬â¢ sound adds to the feeling of rustiness. It shows that the narrator does not only appreciate the bright beauty of the day time, but the more mystical quality of the evening, therefore noticing the full complexity of what nature has to offer. The idea of the day wearing on continues in the third stanza, where the first line foregrounds the rest of the stanza by stating; ââ¬ËIf I pass during some ââ¬Ënocturnal blackness,ââ¬â¢ which clearly sets the scene for night time. This is carried on by the description of the hedgehog and the moths, which only venture out at night, which creates a mood of peace and tranquility. The idea that the hedgehog travels furtively suggests a sense of purpose, that the hedgehog has a sly, secret mission to complete, which will go unnoticed in the rest of the world. This seems symbolic for the narrator, who seems to be discretely observing everything. T he secretiveness would help explain the distance that seems to be between him and the rest of the human beings around him. This distance is further achieved by the fact that there are never any names mentioned, or any suggestion of family or relationships. For example ââ¬Ëone may say,ââ¬â¢which is typically impersonal.Stanza four moves from describing the animals that the narrator identifies with, and is more focussed of the narrator and his idea of the people around him. It is different from the previous stanzas in that there is no movement within it, which is appropriate because Hardy is describing the time when the narrator has been ââ¬Ëstilled at last.ââ¬â¢ The focus switches from the visual nature the narrator is so utterly familiar with, to the ââ¬Ëfull starred heavens that winter sees.ââ¬â¢ Therefore he is thinking about the unknown, and the life that awaits him after he dies. Again there is the use of personification for winter, as there was for spring, which is important as it signifies the end of theà seasonal cycle where things wither and die.Continuing this somewhat disconsolate tone, the beginning of the last stanza seems to give up on human nature. It asks, ââ¬Ëand will any say when my bell of quittance is heard in the gloom.ââ¬â¢ This brings you back to the closure suggested in the first stanza, where he describes the gate closing on his life. The image of the bell contrasts to the silence of the previous stanzas, especially the one immediately preceding it. It describes the sound dying, and then rising again as a ââ¬Ënew bells boom.ââ¬â¢ The alliteration again helps the line move quickly, suggesting the speed that people rush around. The onomatopoeic word ââ¬Ëboomââ¬â¢ suggests the loud noise that people make, contrasting to the peace and tranquility of the nature and animals that he describes. The poem ends by asking if the people will say, ââ¬Ëhe hears it not now but used to notice such things?ââ¬â¢ This sums up the whole poem, which is expressing how people will not ask these questions. The refrains bring in the new voice in each stanza, having the effect of uniting each one. The meaning of each of the final lines never really changes, achieving the realization that the narrator knows that he will never change the views of the people around him. Hardy is criticizing human nature for not stopping long enough to reflect on what is really meaningful in peopleââ¬â¢s lives. Therefore in conclusion the repetition of the first line, that ends the poem sums up the whole idea that nothing has actually been resolved. It emphasizes the complexity of nature and the amount of things that goes unnoticed every day and night. Hardy employs various techniques to make the poem come alive, which is crucial in showing his appreciation of what is going on around him. He uses extensive imagery, so that it is both visual, such as by describing the colours, and the explicit detail that is in every small thing that he describes. The silence is also transmitted effectively by word choice such as ââ¬Ësoundless blink.ââ¬â¢ It is also effective in identifying his affinity with animals, as opposed to human beings.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Racial Discrimination By Booker T. Washington Essay
Racial discrimination, political, social and economic inequality during the late 19th century and early 20th century led various leaders within the black community to rise up and address the appalling circumstances that African Americans were forced to endure. Among these leaders were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois whom possessed analogous desires as it pertained to the advancement and upliftment of the black race. While both individuals were fighting for the same cause and purpose they embraced contrary ideologies and approaches to African American struggle. In Booker T. Washingtonââ¬â¢s book ââ¬Å"Up from Slaveryâ⬠African Americans were encouraged to be passive and focus on vocational education whereas in W.E.B. DuBois book ââ¬Å"The Souls of Black Folkâ⬠, African Americans were encouraged to fight for their merited rights and focus on academic education. However, although Washington was convinced that his ideologies would sincerely uplift the black race, th ey actually proved to be detrimental, leaving DuBois ideology to be the most reasonable and appropriate solution for the advancement of the black race. Booker T. Washington was a leader who saw power and success in passiveness and patience. He believed that African Americans would attain their rights in time through hard work, improved education and self-help. His journey from slave to leader was evidence that the black race was highly capable of helping themselves reach a degree of success and he was ultimately convincedShow MoreRelatedBooker T Washington And W. E. B. Dubois Persuasive Essay1326 Words à |à 6 Pagespeople, and African Americans were constantly subject to racism and discrimination. Because of this, two men, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both attempted to fight for rights and equality for African Americans during the late 1800s and early 1900s. They both believed African Americans deserved to have rights and equality, but they had very different opinions a nd ideas on how to solve the problem. Thus, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both tried to gain rights and equality for AfricanRead MoreBooker T.Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois Essay1184 Words à |à 5 Pagesthis movement amongst the Black community were Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois, however they had very differing views on how to achieve this goal ( Washington and Du Bois essentially split the Black community into two parties, radical and conservative. Du Bois, the radical, preached for a strong political and civil rights agenda, and uplift for Blacks through education. Washington pushed for Blacks to accept their racial discrimination until they had proven themselves through hardRead MoreB. Dubois And Booker T. Washington795 Words à |à 4 Pagesbelieve in fighting violence with violence or leaving the violence untouched? W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington were two African-American rights activists during the late 1800s and early 1900s. W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington had the same idea for the end result of equality for colored people. However, they had very different approaches to reach their desired results. Booker T. Washington believed it was the right idea to approach his issues in a passive manner. However, W.E.B. DuBoisRead MoreBooker T Dubois Dbq Essay1235 Words à |à 5 Pages To Submit or to Admit News is buzzing around America about racial injustice, homophobia, sexism, xenophobia and more. People are rioting, protesting, and taking a stand against the injustice that is currently affecting their lives. Today, there are many political leaders and celebrities that preach the need for social and economic equality. What did influential people have to say about the prejudice that America was facing during the time of the Jim Crow laws? Post-civil war, there were two hugeRead MoreBooker T. Washington Essay1249 Words à |à 5 Pagesposition that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcomeâ⬠ââ¬âBooker T. Washing. Booker Taliaferro Washington was born in Haleââ¬â¢s Ford, Virginia on April 5th, 1856 to Jane Burroughs and an unknown White man. Washington was married three times. His first wife was Fannie N. Smith from Malden, West Virginia. Booker and Fannie were married in the summer of 1882 and had one child together named Portia M. Washington. Fann ie died two years later in May 1884. The second wife was Olivia A. DavidsonRead MoreBooker T. Washington And His Critics : The Idea Of Racial Compromise1270 Words à |à 6 PagesBooker T. Washington and His Critics: The Idea of Racial Compromise The era of Jim Crow began after the end of Reconstruction in 1877, in which through the rebuilding of the South, whites established laws and customs that forced freed slaves to stay marginalized and targeted by Southern whites. The purpose of these Jim Crow ideas was to keep blacks and white separated, and to also keep blacks from progressing in society. For instance, Southern whites forced blacks to take literacy testsRead MoreAnalysis Of Booker T. Washington999 Words à |à 4 Pageswhich had videos about Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. There were two African American men wanting to uplift the Black community, but sought two different ways of doing so. They both saw things from two different points of views. Booker T. Washington spoke as a southerner who grew up as a slave that experienced racism throughout his life. He advocated industrial/vocational education to give blacks a useful skill to make money and take of their families. Washington had attended Hampto n UniversityRead MoreCompare And Contrast Booker T. Dubois1296 Words à |à 6 PagesW.E.B Du Bois and Booker T. Washington were both fighting for the betterment of blacks, but accomplished it differently. W.E.B Du Bois believed in blacks getting a classical education and obtaining equality. While, Booker T. Washington wanted blacks to focus on vocational skills and give up their rights to be a success. W.E.B Du Bois disagreed because he believed that African Americans should not limit themselves to vocational labor but preferred that they educated themselves so they would be recognizedRead MorePolitical Leadership And Its Effects On African Americans1393 Words à |à 6 Pagesin order to destroy the hopes of advocating for the rights of the black people. It was at this time that W.E.B Du Bois and Booker T. Washington stood out to defend the black people in the ruling of America. The two political leaders advocated for the provision of human rights to the black people and to the end of oppression, mistreatment and discrimination in America. Booker T. was born in the early 1850s, he later becomes a political activist in fighting for the human right. Additionally, W.E.B DuRead MoreBooker T Dubois Compare And Contrast Essay1110 Words à |à 5 PagesCompromise vs. Conflict The stark differences between Booker T Washington and W.E.B. DuBois and their approaches to racism Do you believe that slow and steady wins the race, or that when talking about civil rights the sooner the better? Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois were two very influential people who fought for the rights of African Americans in the late 1880ââ¬â¢s to early 1900ââ¬â¢s. Although both men were fighting for the same thing, their views on how to approach equality and their personal
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